Author: Davor Raić

  • Will ISO 21500 help?

    Will ISO 21500 help? Well, you tell me. ISO is telling us the background and offers to purchase the document. A pocket guide can be pre-ordered at Amazon.  You should go for that one; I had it in my hand.  But beware of other initiatives. Some have already offered pricey courses for a kind-of-certification for certificate-hungry organisations and…

  • Always connected worker. Is this good?

    Megan M. Raftery of KellyOCG published an interesting study on The ‘Always Connected’ Worker. It seems that many of us do not believe this is improving productivity, and even more are feeling stressed and pressured as a result. Read the full report here. She has more on that topic, check out her blog.

  • Game of thrones: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon

    The Economist looks at the four giants dominating the consumer internet: Google, Apple, Facebook being at each other’s throats. There is a nice map of the internet ‘Middle Earth’, take a look and have a laugh.

  • Try a tag cloud on your project documents

    Ever got weary of reading business cases, statements of requirements, risk analyses…? You should try applying a tag cloud to highlight the most important things in them. Take a look at the tag cloud of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The most important word really sticks out, does it not? Just try this on…

  • Remember the milk!

    Are you managing your projects well but have problems with your own tasks and reminders? Check out

  • Myhours, a free web-based hours tracker

    One of the best and free hours tracking tools in the cloud available is at I have been using it for years and it has never let me down. It has a simple and useful accounting structure and you can download an Excel sheet.