Category: Fun

  • Who is to blame? Try the I-shikawa diagram.

  • Is Agile a cancer to be eliminated?

    Back in September 2014, Erik Meijer, a Dutch computer scientist, gave a remarkable keynote speech at Reaktor Dev Day in Helsinki, Finland.  It began with a claim that “Agile is a cancer that we have to eliminate from the industry”. You can follow the full video at Vimeo . This speech incited a large number…

  • If you give a mouse a scope cookie…

    It may not be scope creep that is troubling your project, but scope seep. And it may be self-inflicted. “Scope Seep” is what happens when the project team introduces additional scope of work not requested by the customer. Have a look at “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”. It is not for children only. Quite the contrary. “If You…

  • Your project does not work… Cargo Cult maybe?

    Your project does not work and you cannot figure out why. Is it possible that your team and you are victim to the Cargo Cult science? … They’re doing everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly the way it looked before. But it doesn’t work… Reading Richard Feynman’s commencement address given at Caltech in…

  • Game of thrones: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon

    The Economist looks at the four giants dominating the consumer internet: Google, Apple, Facebook being at each other’s throats. There is a nice map of the internet ‘Middle Earth’, take a look and have a laugh.