Tag: project management
Is Agile a cancer to be eliminated?
Back in September 2014, Erik Meijer, a Dutch computer scientist, gave a remarkable keynote speech at Reaktor Dev Day in Helsinki, Finland. It began with a claim that “Agile is a cancer that we have to eliminate from the industry”. You can follow the full video at Vimeo . This speech incited a large number…
If you give a mouse a scope cookie…
It may not be scope creep that is troubling your project, but scope seep. And it may be self-inflicted. “Scope Seep” is what happens when the project team introduces additional scope of work not requested by the customer. Have a look at “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”. It is not for children only. Quite the contrary. “If You…
Agile + Waterfall = Hybrid
Not only cars, also projects can be hybrid. An upcoming theme in the last couple of years are waterfall-planned and agile-driven projects, or hybrid, if you like. A rule of the thumb seems to be that going hybrid makes sense when software development and infrastructure deployment are equally represented. A number of interesting blogs, articles,…